NCG Workshop on Creating Interactive Online Maps

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
November 5, 2020

Notice: This workshop will take place online. This workshop is funded by NCG Talent Program 2020 and is free of charge for everyone. This workshop will be a parallel session of the NCG Symposium 2020.


Workshop details

Goal: This workshop tries to reduce the gap between owning some map data and publishing an interactive online map.

In the field of geodesy and geo-information, scientists have made a lot of multi-scale maps for different purposes. These maps are important for people to access the geographical information. Quite often, people need to download the map data and visualize it via a piece of software, which is inconvenient and uninteractive. It would be much easier for people to obtain the geographical information if the map would be published online and would be interactive (e.g., OpenStreetMap). However, extra technologies and knowledge are needed to make available the interactive online maps.

This workshop consists of two tutorials, the programme can be found below. After participating in this workshop, participants will be able to make an interactive map of 3D city models using a part of Den Haag Open Data and to make an interactive vario-scale web map of area objects using our data.

Programme (November 5, 2020)

The complete programme is available here.



To register, please send an email to Dongliang Peng ( He might send you more information about the workshop.

Further information

Please feel free to contact Dongliang Peng if you have any questions or if you would like to give a presentation.

Workshop Organizer